Conquering Cart Abandonment – 4 top tips for successful sales.



According to estimates, nearly 70% of all online shopping carts are abandoned by customers.

We all know the feeling of excitement when a customer adds products to their shopping cart, only to be left crestfallen when they abandon it without completing the purchase. But fear not! Today, we’re diving into the realm of cart abandonment and equipping you with the best strategies to keep customers engaged and nudge them towards conversion. Plus, we’ll introduce you to a fantastic feature in Stor which offers automatic cart abandonment emails to help you recover those lost sales. So, let’s buckle up and conquer cart abandonment together!

  1. Streamline the Checkout Process:
    A lengthy and complicated checkout process can be a major turn-off for customers. Simplify and streamline your checkout process by minimising the number of steps required, reducing form fields, and offering guest checkout options. The end goal is to create a seamless checkout experience, making it easy for customers to complete their purchases swiftly and hassle-free.
  2. Offer Guest Checkout and Account Creation Options:
    While having customer accounts can be beneficial for tracking and personalised marketing, some customers prefer a quicker, guest checkout option. Give your customers the freedom to choose by offering both guest checkout and account creation options. Stor provides flexibility in setting up various account options, allowing you to cater to a broader range of preferences.
  3. Display Trust Signals and Security Certifications:
    One of the key concerns for customers during online shopping is the security of their personal information. Build trust by prominently displaying trust signals and security certifications on your ecommerce site. Showcasing secure payment gateways, SSL certificates, and trust badges helps alleviate customer concerns and boosts confidence in completing their purchases. (Spoiler alert: all Stor sites come with an SSL certificate and secure checkout included as standard!)
  4. Utilise Cart Abandonment Emails:
    Cart abandonment emails are a powerful tool to recover lost sales. When a customer leaves items in their cart without completing the purchase, Stor’s automatic cart abandonment emails can be triggered to remind them and encourage them to come back and finish checking out.

Cart abandonment can be a frustrating challenge for ecommerce businesses, but with the right strategies and tools in place, you can minimise its impact and maximise conversions. By streamlining the checkout process, offering guest checkout options, displaying trust signals, and utilising cart abandonment emails like the ones offered by Stor, you’ll be well-equipped to keep customers engaged and boost your sales. Remember, success lies in providing a seamless, secure, and personalised shopping experience that keeps customers coming back for more. So, let’s bid farewell to abandoned carts and embrace a future filled with happy, satisfied customers!

We spoke with Wil Padley from Trust Payments about why it’s important to offer multiple payment types at checkout.

Offering multiple payment types at checkout is crucial because it caters to the diverse preferences and needs of customers, enhancing their overall shopping experience. Different consumers may prefer different payment methods ranging from traditional credit cards to digital wallets or bank transfers. Providing a variety of options can significantly reduce cart abandonment and increase conversion rates, as customers are more likely to complete a purchase if their preferred method is available.

Furthermore, multiple payment methods allow businesses to accommodate international customers who might use region-specific payment options, improve financial inclusion for those without traditional banking services, and boost trust and credibility among new customers. It also gives businesses a competitive edge, ensures adaptability to payment trends, and minimises risks associated with relying on a single payment type. By integrating a range of payment options (like the ones we offer at Trust), businesses can keep up with the evolving marketplace and potentially drive higher sales and profitability.

William Padley – Trust Payments